Question: What methods are used to determine the historical accuracy of statements in ancient texts like the Bible? How do we now if something stated in these texts is true or not?
Depends on who is involved in the Assessment!
If it is a Professional person such as an Archaeologist, then they are looking for some sort of physical data that can be studied for authenticity re. Bible text!
In the case of the “religious” person, much Bible info. will be taken on “face value” due to the “motivation” which is driving the person’s enquiry; which is valid in both cases, but there is the “factor” called “faith”; which Science will not usually accept as “firm data” or “Proof”!
In my own case, as a professional person, I can see both sides of the dilemma; but one has to recognize that the objectives of the two are totally different; and one side’s data cannot be easily used as “proof” against the other; as the resultant will always be unsatisfying!
The case for the Christian is always eventually based on “Faith” (Hab.2:4); and that of the Scientist on the Logic prevailing at any moment in History!
A good read re. the middle ground (if that is possible), is the Book by “Keller”; “The Bible as History”!
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